Ed Kelly Insurance Agency LTD
Our Services
Life Insurance
Life insurance can provide financial security to your love ones in the case of your death. If you're loved ones will be financially impacted in the event of your death, you may be in need of life insurance.
& Investments
Do You Have Enough?
Step .1 Determine the amount you need to protect your loved ones
Liabilities Income Final Education
Replacement Expenses
Step 2. Considered the benefits you already have.
Life Insurance
Spouses Pay
Step 3. Subtract your expenses total from your asset total.
Commercial Insurance
There are many uncertainties in business, contact us and learn how your business can be protected from theft, property damage and can be provided coverage in an event that interrupts business.
Personal Insurance
Contact us to learn more about our many personal insurance products including homeowners, automobile, tenants, and more.
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at: edkellyinsurance@nb.aibn.com or give us a call at (506) 738-3361
Have Any Questions?
IBC helped recover stolen vehicles worth $24.6 MILLION in 2017
Property claims as a percentage of total claims HAVE RISEN over %10 over the last decade.
Did you know ?
%20 of all insurance claims are related to theft and burglary
Life and health insurance account for over half of the entire insurance industry